This is the online version of the HexGender documentation.

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A list of all the patterns I've discovered, as well as what they do.

Chainmail ChestplateGo Big or Bust

With the newfound transition spells I began to wonder if I could change the properties of my chest. With more help from the biomancy corps, I have developed patterns to do just that... within reason.

Oncologist's Purification (player → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqdqqqw

Gives the bust size of the target

Oncologist's Gambit (num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqdqqqwqaedea

Sets the bust size of the caster

Gainax Purification (player → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awewaawew

Gives the bounciness of the target's breasts

Gainax Gambit (num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dwqwddwqw

Sets the bounciness of the caster's breasts

Lindhal's Purification (player → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qeqqqdqqqeqaqdwwdq

Gives the floppiness of the target's breasts

Lindhal's Gambit (num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eawwaedeqeeeaeeeqe

Sets the floppiness of the caster's breasts

Hookean Purification (player → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqwaawqqqw

Gives the physics of the target's breasts

Hookean Gambit (bool →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqqddqqqqw

Sets the physics of the caster's breasts

Cleavage Purification (player → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqeeqqqw

Gets the cleavage of the target's breasts

Cleavage Gambit (num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: weeeqqeeew

Sets the cleavage of the caster's breasts

Liposuction Purification (player → vec)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawqqqeqdqqqwaw

Gets the offset of the target's breasts

Liposuction Gambit (vec →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeewdwqqwwdweee

Sets the offset of the caster's breasts

Symmastia Purification (player → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqwwqqw

Gets whether the target's breasts are a uniboob

Symmastia Gambit (bool →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: weewweew

Sets whether the caster's breasts are a uniboob

Patterns and actions that perform a magical effect on the world.

EggGender Identity Spells

I would occasionally wonder what being born another sex would have been like...
So, with a helping hand from the biomancy corps, I have made a few spells which would allow for instant transitions between sexes!

Transition: Feminine

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqewdedw

Transitions the caster to a female!
I wonder how I'd look in a skirt...

Transition: Masculine

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqwaqaeaq

Transitions the caster to a male!
No more periods!

Transition: Non-binary

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqqedqde

Transitions the caster to androgynous!
Hmm... this is... interesting...

Gender Identity Prfn. (player → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqeeqqqq

Obtains the target's selected gender as an ordinal (number)